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Shell plc publishes second quarter 2024 press release

AGÊNCIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO Conteúdo de responsabilidade da empresa 1 de agosto de 2024

Shell plc

London, August 1, 2024

“Shell delivered another strong quarter of operational and financial results. We further strengthened our leading LNG portfolio, and made good progress across our Capital Markets Day 2023 financial targets, including $1.7 billion of structural cost reductions since 2022. Today, we have also announced a further $3.5 billion buyback programme for the next three months. We continue to demonstrate that we are delivering more value with less emissions.”

Shell plc Chief Executive Officer, Wael Sawan



$ million1 Adj. Earnings Adj. EBITDA CFFO Cash capex
Integrated Gas 2,675 5,039 4,183 1,151
Upstream 2,336 7,829 5,739 1,829
Marketing 1,082 1,999 1,958 644
Chemicals & Products3 1,085 2,242 2,249 638
Renewables & Energy Solutions (187) (91) 847 425
Corporate (576) (213) (1,468) 32
Less: Non-controlling interest (NCI) 122      
Shell Q2 2024 6,293 16,806 13,508 4,719
Q1 2024 7,734 18,711 13,330 4,493

Income/(loss) attributable to shareholders for Q2 2024 is $3.5 billion, and includes non-cash post-tax impairments of $0.8 billion in Marketing principally relating to a biofuels facility located in the Netherlands and $0.7 billion in Chemicals & Products principally relating to an Energy and Chemicals park located in Singapore. Reconciliation of non-GAAP measures can be found in the unaudited results, available at

2Structural cost reductions describe decreases in underlying operating expenses as a result of operational efficiencies, divestments, workforce reductions and other cost saving
measures that are expected to be sustainable compared with 2022 level. The 2025 target reflects annualised savings achieved by end-2025.

3Chemicals & Products adjusted earnings at a subsegment level are as follows – Chemicals $0.05 billion and Products $1.0 billion.

$ billion1 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024
Divestment proceeds 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.0 0.8
Free cash flow 12.1 7.5 6.9 9.8 10.2
Net debt 40.3 40.5 43.5 40.5 38.3

1 Reconciliation of non-GAAP measures can be found in the unaudited results, available at





Key data Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 outlook
Realised liquids price ($/bbl) 67 68
Realised gas price ($/thousand scf) 7.8 7.6
Production (kboe/d) 992 980 920 – 980
LNG liquefaction volumes (MT) 7.6 6.9 6.8 – 7.4
LNG sales volumes (MT) 16.9 16.4

Realised prices for Q1 2024 have been restated – Liquids: 73 to 67, Gas: 9 to 8. 



Key data Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 outlook
Realised liquids price ($/bbl) 77 78
Realised gas price ($/thousand scf) 6.1 6.2
Liquids production (kboe/d) 1,331 1,297
Gas production (million scf/d) 3,136 2,818
Total production (kboe/d) 1,872 1,783 1,580 – 1,780



Key data Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 outlook
Marketing sales volumes (kb/d) 2,763 2,868 2,700 – 3,200
Mobility (kb/d) 1,991 2,078
Lubricants (kb/d) 87 84
Sectors & Decarbonisation (kb/d) 686 706

Wholesale commercial fuels business, previously reported in Chemicals & Products segment, is reported in the Marketing segment (Mobility) with effect from Q1 2024.

Comparative information for Marketing and Chemicals & Products segments has been revised.



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Key data Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 outlook
Refinery processing intake (kb/d) 1,430 1,429
Chemicals sales volumes (kT) 2,883 3,052
Refinery utilisation (%)