Releases Geral
Pomilio Blumm: Italian Agency Claims Top Spot in FT’s Growth Rankings
AGÊNCIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO Conteúdo de responsabilidade da empresa 5 de março de 2024
Financial Times and Statista have acknowledged Pomilio Blumm as one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe. The latest edition of the “FT 1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies” has crowned Pomilio Blumm, an Italian communications agency, as the leader for revenue in the “Advertising & Marketing” category across 35 countries, including European countries and non-European ones like the UK and Switzerland. This impressive achievement reflects the agency’s sustained growth trajectory and its ability to carve out a niche in a dynamic and competitive landscape. Pomilio Blumm’s dominance extends beyond the top spot in its specific sector. The agency retains its leading position in the field of corporate communications while significantly improving its overall ranking, jumping from sixth to first place compared to the previous edition. These accolades are underpinned by impressive figures: a remarkable absolute growth rate of 215.5% and a consistent CAGR of 46.7%.
However, Pomilio Blumm’s success story goes beyond mere financial metrics. Notably, the agency stands out as the company with the longest-established presence among its competitors in the advertising sector. This unique combination of sustained growth and established legacy underscores the agency’s adeptness at navigating a constantly evolving industry. Commenting on the achievement, Franco Pomilio, the agency’s President, attributes the company’s success to “constant investments in research and development.”
This commitment to innovation has allowed Pomilio Blumm to maintain “growth rates typical of start-ups,” despite its long-standing presence. Looking ahead, Pomilio emphasises the agency’s desire to “continue its evolutionary path. We are embarking on an exciting growth journey, and are thrilled to be recognised for our achievements so far. With over a decade of sustained growth, in 2024, we expect to continue our expansion and we’re focused on new opportunities around the world,” says Franco Pomilio, President of Pomilio Blumm.
“Being one of the fastest-growing players encourages us to do better and to make our citizen-oriented skill set evolve into a brave and socially effective project. We are investing in research and innovation to guess future trends in institution-to-citizen communication and continue on the company’s growth path”, says Franco Pomilio.
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