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Chile summit underscores transparency as key to effective fisheries management, says Global Fishing Watch

AGÊNCIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO Conteúdo de responsabilidade da empresa 24 de fevereiro de 2025

Global Fishing Watch

SANTIAGO, Chile, Feb. 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On Friday, the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) concluded its 13th Annual Commission Meeting with a call for greater transparency in support of strong and effective fisheries management. The multilateral body, which manages fishing on the high seas of the Southern Pacific Ocean, also emphasized the critical role data plays in ensuring long-term marine conservation and the sustainable use of fishery resources. 

In a year in which transparency will increasingly underpin global efforts to achieve sustainable ocean governance, SPRFMOs position to put data at the heart of decision making is commendable. More so, it underscores the central role regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) play in advancing transparency as a key policy objective in the ocean space.

And yet, as this years meeting comes to a close, SPRFMO has an opportunity to go even further in setting a new standard for fisheries transparency.

According to Global Fishing Watch analysis, 96 percent of SPRFMO-registered vessels are already visible on the automatic identification system (AIS) while many SPRFMO Members and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties publicly share vessel monitoring system, or VMS, data, paving the way for broad regional collaboration. This is exceptional. 

But SPRFMO need not stop there. Indeed, the organization and its members should consider implementing a public tracking measure that would provide a consistent and comprehensive transparent data source to inform decision making. Doing so would not be a big lift but would go a long way.  

Moreover, SPRFMOs call for a review of their existing databases and processing tools to drive improvements in data quality, consistency and accessibility as well as system efficiency and capabilities is a significant step in the right direction. The combined efforts of SPRFMOs data working group and a new group that is expected to examine how data is collected and used, will enhance the organizations data management capabilities as well as those of its Members and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties. SPRFMO has an exceptional opportunity to reap the benefits of a transparency-based approach to data exchange, fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. And we encourage them to pursue these efforts fully. 

The recent adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Fisheries Resolution emphasized how critical transparency is for effective fisheries management. The resolution also specifically urged RFMOs such as SPRFMO to better integrate transparent practices into fisheries management while promoting data exchange. By requiring transparent vessel tracking data and using that information to inform recommendations through the data working group, SPRFMO can empower decision-makers, strengthen accountability and foster trust among stakeholders. 

At a time when commitment to transparency and data-driven decisions are inconsistently applied, SPRFMO stands out. The organizations commitment to collecting and using the right information is undeniable, as is its recognition that greater transparency is foundational to good ocean governance. 

That is because transparency in vessel tracking and data is not merely a technical measure; it is a fundamental pillar of effective and equitable fisheries management. In fact, it serves three critical functions: 

As ocean governance grows more complex, one thing is clear: collective action on vessel tracking rooted in transparency and equity is essential for a sustainable future. By strengthening accountability and collaboration, we can protect marine ecosystems and the communities that rely on them. We commend SPRFMOs leadership and urge continued progress.

Courtney Farthing is the Director of International Policy at Global Fishing Watch


Andrew Zaganelli Giacalone
Global Fishing Watch

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